Caregiver, Nanny & Driver Test


VERITAS evaluation for caregivers working with helpless populations


In general:

  • The Veritas nursing evaluation is aiming at helping organisations in mapping the risk areas and levels, for nursery jobs for people in helpless populations- babies, children, the elderly, people who need nursing care, people with disabilities, and so on.
  • Now days, despite the importance of this occupation, and the significant potential in causing damage to helpless populations, nursing jobs are an occupation where training or professional certification aren’t necessarily needed. Moreover, there is no regulation on the approval process of employees and hiring decisions are made based on partial and unsatisfying information.
  • The Veritas evaluation for nursing jobs in helpless populations is designed to minimize the potential risk of the employee. When using it as a part of the recruitment process, it extracts the relevant and most honest information so that the organisation can locate those same applicants who are predicted to show low suitability to the job requirements.

The evaluated parameters

  • The evaluation includes attention to parameters from four critical criteria in nursery jobs:
  • Integrity and criminal tendencies in employment relations-
  • Credibility (including abnormal behavior in the aspect of consuming drugs and alcohol) violence tendencies, work safety, theft and sexual harassment.
  • Personality characteristics and functioning at work-
  • Responsible attitude, human relations, strength and stability, caring and keeping cool under pressure.
  • Style of emotional treatment

A. style of emotional treatment- the level in which the care is shown in giving emotional response to the patient.

B. Style of practical treatment- the level in which the care is shown in giving a response to the physical and operative needs of the patient.

  • Professional orientation-
    The professional tendency of the applicant for nursing job, including motivation, willingness to put in effort, aspirations for specialization and development in the profession.
  • The evaluation includes a monitoring scale of “social desirability”- the measure in which the applicant shows an over-the-top positive impression in a way that is insincere.

Evaluation techniques

  • The evaluation is completed through the internet, based on personal reports, and continues for about 40 minutes.  It includes normative and factual questions. The question’s structure allows the candidate to choose the most accurate answer for them and for the employer to receive the best and most reliable information.
  • The evaluation is based on interrogation concept, easy to operate (on a computer, tablet, and cell phone) and includes closed answer questions. In the evaluation are used several techniques such as:
  1. Interactivity- the applicant is receiving feedback on his/her answers which helps leading him/her to the most honest answers.
  2. Adaptiveness- the questions order in the evaluation changes based on the applicants’ answers, in order to receive the most information in the scales that require digging in.
  3. Monitoring inconsistency- locating contradictions and corrections in the applicants answers.
  4. Limiting reaction time- to enhance the honesty of the reply.
  5. Response times measurement-   to locate scales that the applicant has complexities in.

Evaluation report

  • The evaluation report is used as a decision supporting tool and shows a summary of the findings and mapping of the parameters according to three levels: high risk, medium risk and low risk.
  • In addition, the report shows an elaboration of the risk level of the applicant in relation to each one of the parameters, including unusual and stand out answers in each scale, so that the employer can follow after the main answers that produce the risk level in each scale.
  • The result report can be produced immediately at the end of the evaluation. It includes detailing of the subjects in which a thorough investigation is required. Furthermore, the report includes recommendations and examples of questions that are relevant to each of the parameters in check, and in relation to the applicants’ specific answers.

Sample Report

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